
You only have to wear the Black Bandit Uniform during events.  If your a Non-Member, wear either the uniform, or wear as much black as possible.


Above is the New Black Bandit Uniform:

  • Head: Black Hat
  • Face: 3D Glasses/ Black Ninja Mask
  • Neck: Black Cape
  • Body: Black Parka/Black Hoodie
  • Hand: Black Guitar
  • Feet: Black Sneakers


Under Construction

Above is the BB Non-Member Uniform:

  • Head: Black Bandana
  • Face: Any Sunglasses are preferred
  • Body: Anything Black
  • Feet: Anything Black

Black Bandit Leaders

93 Responses to Uniform

  1. tyek bb co leader and fgr leader says:

    um the old three uniforms right o and snowy are you a freeking member im so pumpt about bb bieng backk wooop wooop ow and donconoriscool is joining bb again

  2. conoriscool7 says:


  3. blast46 says:

    why dont you put the old one i first made up and then i will make a newer BB unifrom

  4. Pink Rose 75 says:

    Do the girls have to where the old uniform and can I make a new plz Klim only for the girls?!

  5. Pink Rose 75 says:

    Dont you think that the member new uniform is just so you know old. There would probly be a penguin that is a non member and does not have that stuff?

  6. merf says:

    which old one

  7. conoriscool7 says:

    ……………..check my post…………………

  8. icy fresh153 says:

    yo waz up

  9. huytrr says:

    can huytrr make a grl uniform cuz she gots a good one

  10. klimster says:

    yea huytrr but once u make it ask me or lc to approve it

  11. blueswill says:

    i think ill just wear the non member uniform

  12. chili999 says:

    kilm i think we should have a pirate bandana in the new uniform

  13. Icee95 says:

    i would like to wear the uniform for non- members but i dont have the CPIP hat sadly can I wear the other orange construction hat or is that sign of Fever?

  14. bungycord says:

    i know icyfresh153 and194 i also know vols83 commander this is vols talking cause i want to know klimster cause he rulz so can i be a privit sorry if i spelled it wrong vols want to be icy194 lvl cause i have 10 recruits

  15. dialga2000 says:

    blueswill your my buddie on cp remember in gonna spy acp

  16. zazazzzzz says:

    i dont have any of those thing but i am a member

  17. Hollicombrie says:

    I seriously don’t have huytrr uniform so like uh this is how far i could go……..Im a new member for hollicombrie thats y…. well uh here.

  18. Chili999 says:

    Ok well i have kilms uniform but only the party marcass instead of the festive ones… And i have the yellow hard hat….

  19. conoriscool7 not loged on says:

    what about mine?

  20. huytrr says:


  21. dialga2000 says:

    it doesnt fit me ill wear my own

  22. huytrr says:

    blip dont be so jealous of my singing SKIZZLES xD

  23. BB leader says:

    generals i am telling you to attack acp and surrender to FAF

  24. BB leader says:

    generals i am telling you to attack acp and surrender to FAF now!!!!

  25. htgtu66 says:

    buy the way to you have to where the same hair

  26. super blip says:

    im not jealous u jest jealous of my musculars 😀

  27. snooky843 says:

    i dont hav that. i hav the following:

    1. Black parka

    2. same hat

    3.acoustic guitar

    4.black bowtie

    5.i forget the shoes i wear. srry

  28. heelflipman says:

    i know a good non member uniform if you want it ill show it to you on chat

  29. blocparty2397 says:

    klim u need to mak the ther uniform for non members

  30. yea we need a non member uniform

  31. Jokes I Tell says:

    non member…

  32. izzy says:

    guys read it-if you dont have the uniform just where something black!!!

  33. Jokes I Tell says:

    ssss great theres a non member uniform now posted here O.o

  34. Apom59 says:

    there good uniforms

  35. Apom59 says:

    there should be boys and girls non member uniforms

  36. JIT says:

    Hi It’s me I wont be on for a while. Sooo I’m Jokes btw!!! Cya!!

  37. heelflipman says:

    we need a more recent uniform, i call a meeting! 😛 whenever we can, lets have one about uniform

  38. heelflipman says:

    Do you mind if I update this with a non-member uniform? (Rare and Not)

  39. c00kimonster says:

    i dont have tht much of the mem boys uniform maybee u should change it and have like a leader uniform and like a different uniforms for the ranks or something um
    ^ ^
    ( ( ) ) i drew a bunny 😀

  40. Can we wear a combination of the two?

  41. Ummm says:

    Hi im not a prt of the BB but would like to be… And If I Join could You Please change the bb oufit for the girls. PLZ!!
    ps could be with a hat?
    Zim: Ill see wat i can do

  42. food luffy says:

    i think updating the uniforms is a good idea because it makes ppl feel like they’re a part of something… kinda unites them in a way 😛

  43. coolkid4040 says:

    fuck bb

  44. 27 brian says:

    can i wear uniform two whit out the necklasse and whit the unifrom ones hat

  45. 27 brian says:

    how ever sad the comment above mine is an asshole

  46. food luffy says:

    i agree

  47. starburst308 says:

    i think u should get new non-member uniforms…

  48. agent57121 says:

    i got the bottom non-member uniform

  49. starburst308 says:

    when r we gonna get new uniforms??? O.o

  50. marshall says:

    hello ppl i have a uniform idea

  51. starburst308 says:

    i cant wait til the new uniforms!!(i hope they have cool new non-member uniforms) 🙂

  52. jpwilson2 says:


  53. jpwilson2 says:

    Im sad because my member account jpwilson2 got banned forever! :C

  54. Heel says:

    Hi it’s heel and I’m glad u put up the uniform that I made

  55. Lje98 WW Major BB Brigadier General says:

    Klim, is it ok if I wear the black hoodie, black pirate head thingy, brown boots ninja mask and red eletric guitar ( I don’t have the black one 😦 )? Thanks…
    Waffles own you!
    ~Lje98 WW Major BB Brigadier General~

  56. nitro hero says:

    you have a horrible uniform you suck
    -Says the noob-

  57. Howdy Y’all!
    I’m Farmer Turk!
    And I’m here to do
    one thing:
    By the way Y’all, I hate this
    website! Happy holiturks!

    – Spank Da Turkey!


  58. can be red but were black stuff?

  59. jordan502 says:

    isn’t wierd how its harder to do white background then anything else?

  60. Phengiskhan says:

    ummm i dont have a black guitsr or a cape?where can i find them

  61. Apple Pie794 says:

    don’t be mean to the arctic army because the pie army and orange army will destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    your worst nightmare,
    Apple Pie794
    P.S. roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. Ec=n2 says:


  63. Ec=n2 says:


  64. Woot100 says:

    SF will win! BB will not win! So there.

  65. Mai man says:

    why don’t you tell that to your mom, woot100? your such a fool, you suck man, BB and SF are allies fool! allies!!!! get it into your tiny brain!

  66. 515224we says:

    hey where can u find the black cape?

  67. Mai man says:

    only on certain club penguin party’s, but right now It aint possible to get

  68. heelflipman says:

    say you have have night vision goggles too.

  69. Omega says:

    I got a great idea for a uniform

    Head: Director Hat
    Face:Ninja mask or Glasses
    Neck: Black tie
    Body: Suit with white shirt and black jacket
    Hand: Hockey stick (as weapon).

  70. zion the 2 says:

    where do u find the uniform

  71. skater123412 says:

    hey can someone help me i dont have the cape but i have everything else but can i wear a black bowtie instead plz reply

  72. mrsmurrell says:

    i dont have the body items

  73. subzero917 says:

    Hi this game is realy intresting i got some quiestions when will there be war?

  74. subzero917 says:

    i dont have the uniform can i just have anything black. P.S.can i add some tyle like the pearl neckless anything black and maches.

  75. subzero917 says:

    wats ur clubpenguin user? XD

  76. subzero917 says:

    im new XD go to chat plz!P.S. i realy want war

  77. Dj Boiry says:


  78. =Zayer= says:

    ok, give us your armies Name, website, and what’s the challenge?

  79. pink pangie says:

    i dont have the cape sweater or gutair bu i can wear diffrent shirt thats black and im pretty sure i got stuff for uniform

  80. moid says:

    happy friendship day

  81. moid says:

    its fun to be young

  82. legoaaron1 says:

    my army is black ninjas i will fihet you

  83. Ray1001 says:

    im new and i dont have a copel of the menber stuff

  84. 6pikachu6 says:

    i made a black uniform for myself cause im a non-member

  85. cpcheatsyay says:

    im greg2002 i dont have the parka i wear black top hat black sneakers black glasses and a blue duck

  86. Ray1001 says:

    he he he he a blue duck

  87. CTTK says:


  88. able says:

    i dont have the black parka,hoodie,or the black sneakers.

  89. halorockband says:

    i have eveything for the uniforms so i will be happy to join when i can and whats up with your chat im on it and no one else is on

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